Create with Harajuku

When gim Co., Ltd. launched its knitwear business in Harajuku, it was a quiet residential area, unlike the glamorous fashion district of today. With the changing times, the Harajuku/Jingumae area has developed into an international fashion information center, and in order to continue to be a "safe, secure, bright, energetic, and attractive town," we will cooperate with the local community and fulfill our responsibility as a company to connect Harajuku's culture and industry, which is unique in the world, to the next generation.

gimInnovative material development


We will strive to become the world's number one knitwear manufacturer by procuring natural materials such as cashmere and wool through a safe and stable procurement network, and by actively working to develop high-quality materials and products that are environmentally friendly.


gimContribution to the Local Community


Since our establishment in 1965, we have been actively involved in various community activities, including the Harajuku Jingumae Shopping Association, in order to contribute to Harajuku and Jingumae.


gimUse of environmentally friendly materials


Use of Environmentally Friendly Materials
We have been developing products using organic cotton since 1990 under the slogan of "passing on the beauty of the earth to the next generation". We hope that the circle of environmental protection will be expanded to as many people as possible through the use of organic cotton.


gimCreating knit wear with Japanese factories


In today's fashion industry, the majority of the market is dominated by products made overseas. In such an environment, we continue to produce many of our products, including cashmere, at our domestic factories. We have been making our products in Japan for many years, using the best quality materials, our own designs, state-of-the-art weaving machines, and the skills of our skilled craftsmen. gim's knitwear is the culmination of Japanese craftsmanship, a combination of experience and skills cultivated over many years. We will not only pursue profits for our own company, but will engage in our business with the goal of involving the entire industry, including spinning and weaving, to further invigorate the manufacturing scene.

海外生産品が市場の大半を占める昨今のファッション業界。そんな中、私たちはカシミヤをはじめ多くの製品を国内工場で作り続けています。質の良い素材選びにはじまり、 自社で細部までこだわり抜いたデザイン、最新鋭の織り機、そして熟練の職人たちの技術力。長年培ってきた経験や技術がつまったジムのニットには、日本のものづくりの技術が結集しています。自社の利益だけを追求するのではなく、紡績や織物をはじめとした産業全体を巻き込み、ものづくりの現場をより活性化させることを目標に事業に取り組んで参ります。